Bayesian Light Source Separator (BLISS)
BLISS is a Bayesian procedure for deblending light sources. BLISS provides:
Accurate estimation of parameters in blended field.
Calibrated uncertainties through fitting an approximate Bayesian posterior.
Scalability of Bayesian inference to entire astronomical surveys.
BLISS uses state-of-the-art methods in variational inference including:
Amortized inference, in which a neural network maps telescope images to an approximate Bayesian posterior on parameters of interest.
Variational auto-encoders (VAEs) to fit a flexible model for galaxy morphology.
Wake-sleep algorithm to jointly fit the approximate posterior and model parameters such as the PSF and the galaxy VAE.
Latest updates
BLISS now includes a galaxy model based on a Variational AutoEncoder that was trained on CATSIM bulge+disk galaxies.
We are working on testing galaxy detection functionality and developing galaxy shape measurement.
BLISS already includes the StarNet functionality from its predecessor repo: DeblendingStarFields.